BOOKS ON COLOUR 1495-2020 offers quick and easy reference to 2,500 authors and editors and some 3,000 titles published by them. Following a concise historical survey of colour literature, authors are listed in an A-Z directory, together with titles, dates and places of publication and biographical details. Chronological indexes of authors precede the bibliographical listing and alphabetical indexes follow it. Publications are categorised under 27 headings: Architecture, Chemistry, Classification, Colorants, Computing and Television, Decoration, Design, Dress and Cosmetics, Dyeing, Flora and Fauna, Food, Glass, History, Lighting, Metrology, Music, Optics, Painting, Perception, Philosophy, Photography and Cinema, Printing, Psychology, Symbolism, Terminology, Therapy, and Vision.
ISBN: 978-1-4717-1634-8