New hot book category: Light Novels ! A novel that appeals to fans of anime and manga, it has multiple color images in the front and ~10 black and white illustrations in the main text. Books are 250-350 pages long and published rapidly in long series, hooking the readers! A classic in Japan, this collector’s edition finishes what a previous publisher left undone! Full Metal Panic! has had 3 seasons of anime adaptations over the years, and has a loyal fan following. But the English release of the original novels was cut short by the bankruptcy of the publisher, and J-Novel Club is rescuing the series and giving it an all-new, modern retranslation, along with a hardcover, triple volume omnibus release! Teens and older will love this combination of high school romance and realistic mecha action, with a lot of complex political intrigue as well!: Ages 14+ ! This series is appropriate for teens and up.
ISBN: 978-1-71835-050-2