@2@@20@Winner of the @18@Mail on Sunday@19@/John Llewellyn Rhys Prize.@21@@3@@2@@20@A magnificent achievement and an engrossing experience, David Mitchell’s first novel announced the arrival of one of the most exciting writers of the twenty-first century. @21@@3@@2@An apocalyptic cult member carries out a gas attack on a rush-hour metro, but what links him to a jazz buff in downtown Tokyo? Or to a Mongolian gangster, a woman on a holy mountain who talks to a tree, and a late night New York DJ?@3@@2@Set at the fugitive edges of Asia and Europe, @18@Ghostwritten @19@weaves together a host of characters, their interconnected destinies determined by the inescapable forces of cause and effect.@3@
ISBN: 978-0-340-73975-4