Save money in 2019 with this simple and foolproof journal ________ ‚Experts claim it could help some people cut spending by up to 35 per cent‘ Mail Online ‚Frugal millennials are going wild for kakeibo, the simple art of keeping track of your finances . . . this is about being financially mindful rather than letting a gadget do the thinking for you‘ The Sunday Times _________ People in Japan are masters of minimal living, able to make do with less in all aspects of life, whether it’s de-cluttering personal belongings or savvy seasonal cooking. But at the heart of all this is the kakeibo : the budgeting journal used to set saving goals and spend wisely. The premise is simple: at the beginning of each month you sit down with your kakeibo and think mindfully about how much you would like to save and what you will need to do in order to reach your goal. There is space to jot down your weekly spending and reflect on the month just gone. The simple act of completing your kakeibo ensures that saving is a part of your everyday life, while also giving you the opportunity to reflect and improve every month. With the help of this kakeibo, you can get a grip on your spending and start to achieve your goals, by finding ways to save for the things that really matter in your life. Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now . . . This is the Japanese Journal that puts more money in YOUR pocket every month.
ISBN: 978-1-4059-3613-2