‚ Suicide is not a fictionalized account of Levé’s death; in some respects it is a negative image of it. ‘You didn’t leave any letters for loved ones to explain your death;’ he writes, although Levé himself reportedly did. Levé’s art and life nonetheless converge, fuse, and end brutally together. Ironically, Suicide represents a new departure for Levé: his previous books could be considered conceptual conceits, whereas Suicide is something else, a purely literary work. At the end of his life, Levé had by no means exhausted his art. ‚ —Hugo Wicken, The Berlin Review of Books ‚A book that will never disappear, a book too provocative ever to be forgotten.‘ —Jacques Morice ‚An astonishing novel.‘ —Zadie Smith, author of White Teeth
ISBN: 978-1-56478-628-9