‚ A wise, exciting and life-changing book ‚ Arianna Huffington , author of Thrive ‚ In this incisive book, Christian Busch reveals that luck isn’t always dumb. People who can see what others don’t – who are awake to the high probability of the improbable – can achieve and contribute in ways their more blinkered colleagues cannot. The Serendipity Mindset is a bracing and hopeful antidote to a world addicted to efficiency and control ‚ Daniel H. Pink , bestselling author of When and Drive ‚ How to create the opportunities for a successful and fulfilling life? Christian Busch shows convincingly that it’s more than blind luck in The Serendipity Mindset, which offers excellent practical guidance for all ‚ Paul Polman , former CEO of Unilever and co-founder of IMAGINE ___________________________________________ What if being lucky was a skill that you could master and share with other people? Modern life is full of chance encounters, changing plans, delayed journeys, human errors and other mishaps. So, what if we use such unpredictability to our advantage? Dr Christian Busch has spent a decade exploring how, if acted upon, unexpected encounters can enhance our worldview, expand our social circles and create new professional opportunities. In this book, Christian reveals the secrets behind the hidden force that rules the universe: serendipity. The Serendipity Mindset is a revolutionary, well-researched exploration of a well-researched and essential life skill that we can all develop in a few simple steps. By learning to identify, act on and share serendipity, we can use uncertainty as a pathway to more joyful, purposeful and successful lives. From couples who first interacted during chance encounters to businesspeople who invented multi-million ideas after a best-laid plan misfired, Christian has studied hundreds of subjects who improved their lives by learning to see opportunities in the unexpected.
ISBN: 978-0-241-40209-2